iPSC-derived dopaminergic neuron harboring LIPA-α-syn aggregates (red) that are interacting with mitochondria (green)
(Confocal Microscope Carl Zeiss LSM 800)
In preparation
1/ Generation of midbrain dopaminergic neurons from human iPSC cells: What have we learned from the last decades?
Sheta R.†, Teixeira M.†, Idi W.†, Oueslati A.
†Those authors contributed equally to this work.
2/ The Polo-Like Kinase 2: a new guilty in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis
Martínez-Drudis L., Sheta R., Teixeira M., Oueslati A.
STAR Protocols (IF: 1.48) | December, 2023
Optogenetic-mediated induction and monitoring of α-synuclein aggregation in cellular models of Parkinson’s disease
Teixeira M., Sheta R., Idi W., and Oueslati A.

Cell Death and Disease (IF: 9.00) | November, 2023
Aggregation of alpha-synuclein disrupts mitochondrial metabolism and induce mitophagy via cardiolipin externalization
Lurette O.†, Martín-Jiménez R.†, Khan M., Sheta R., Jean S., Schofield M., Teixeira M., Rodriguez-Aller R., Perron I., Oueslati A. and Hebert-Chatelain, E.
†Those authors contributed equally to this work.

STAR Protocols (IF: 1.48) | July, 2023
Optimized protocol for the generation of functional human induced-pluripotent-stem-cell-derived dopaminergic neurons
Sheta R., Teixeira M., Idi W., and Oueslati A.

Scientific reports (IF: 4.996) | October, 2022
Sheta R.†, Teixeira M.†, Idi W.†, Pierre M., de Rus Jacquet A., Emond V., Zorca CE., Vanderperre B., Durcan TM., Fon EA., Calon F., Chahine M., and Oueslati A.
†Those authors contributed equally to this work.

PLOS Biology (IF: 9.593) | March, 2022
Bérard M.†, Sheta R.†, Malvaut S., Rodriguez-Aller R., Teixeira M., Idi W., Turmel R., Alpaugh M., Dubois M., Dahmene M., Sales C., Lamontagne-Proulx J., St-Pierre MK., Tavassoly O., Luo W., Del Cid-Pellitero E., Qazi R., Jeong JW., Durcan TM., Vallières L., Tremblay ME., Soulet D., Lévesque M., Cicchetti F., Fon EA., Saghatelyan A., Oueslati A.
†Those authors contributed equally to this work.
Covered in the press: Alzhforum, Mirage news, MedicalXpress, ScienceDaily, Scienmag, Bioengineer, EurekAlert, TechnologyNetworks, The Medical News, Nouvelles du Monde, Nach Welt, Today UK News.

Biomolecules (IF: 6.548) | September, 2021
Alpha-synuclein and the Endolysosomal System in Parkinson’s Disease: Guilty by Association
Teixeira M.†, Sheta R.†, Idi W., Oueslati A.
†Those authors contributed equally to this work.

Communications Biology (IF: 6.548) | April, 2021
Mesnage R., Teixeira M., Mandrioli D., Falcioni L., Ibragim M., Ducarmon QR., Zwittink RD., Amiel C., Panoff JM., Bourne E., Savage E., Mein CA., Belpoggi F., Antoniou MN.

Environmental Health Perspectives (IF: 11.035) | January, 2021
Mesnage R., Teixeira M., Mandrioli D., Falcioni L., Ducarmon QR., Zwittink RD., Mazzacuva F., Caldwell A., Halket J., Amiel C., Panoff JM., Belpoggi F., Antoniou MN.
Covered in the press: Le Monde, Futura-Sciences, GlobalResearch, National Observer, Counter Currents.